Friday, August 28, 2009

Perfect man

I wanted to post a photo of this installation I did in my old studio of my ideal man. I had to paint over it because I got a new studio, but here is the full piece:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

x-stitch fever

Little more completed. Almost there.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cross Stitch Update

So basically the cross stitch project I have begun is going to take the rest of my life to complete. I have about half of the first piece done and have probably put in about 5 hours. Only 9.5 more to finish. Doing the math that will put me at 10 hours per piece, 100 hours to finish the set. Jesus, I may as well use this for my grad show.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Inking continued

These are some smaller inkblots I did on some paper I found in the living room. I think something was shipped in it, kinda newsprinty.
I like these small ones, but the one above is my least favorite.
The images, in a way, decide their own orientation. When I make them I just set them aside and figure out later how they should be turned.
The larger ones are kind of unusual because the consistency of the paint I was using was not spreading throughout the paper. Less blotty more spotty.
This one was interesting to me because it made me think of this specific area of the body. I tried to position it below with what I was thinking.
I've been really interested with doing these blots because the projective personality tests I have been studying. It is this idea that an image can be anything to anyone, I like the idea that there is no wrong interpretation of the work. I've always hated art history classes making me think of a piece of art in one specific way. I like the freedom to read into things and find meaning within myself.