Sunday, July 12, 2009

TV Stills

I've always wanted to try photographing some television images. These are a few stills I took while I was watching some news footage.

I really like the way the camera captures the images in such a seemingly low quality.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Magnificently written

Excerpt from East of Eden:

The baby was drunk for two days and a half. Whatever may have happened in his developing brain, it proved beneficial to his metabolism: from that two and a half days his father finally went out and bought a goat, Adam drank the milk greedily, vomited, drank more, and was on his way. His father did not find the reaction alarming, since he was doing the same thing.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Empty Bedroom Set

We have an empty bedroom in the house right now. I really like it.
The bed is borrowed from someone for our new roomate to use while she lives here. I would like to have a bed this small and simple.
It seems more appropriate for me.
I love the lighting the rooms on the backside of the house get. My room is on the front (facing east) so I always get harsh morning light and these rooms get the softer setting sun light through the trees.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We do what we do to get by and then we need a release.

These are a few of the photos I like from my recent trip to Spain.
The trip was interesting and I learned a lot, but it made me glad to go back home. There are plenty of nice things about Europe, but I never saw it as a place to live.
The entire place seemed like a work in progress at times. Although most of it was old and historic, the whole place seemed to be living in the past.
My favorite times were spent in Aranjuez, a small town outside of Madrid. I lived and worked in a community for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Being part of their community was what made the trip worth while. I wasn't there to look at them or take photos, I was there to be part of what they were part of.